Dustin Welch, Super Rooster Music (SESAC); Willy Braun, Fah-Q Music (BMI)
Is this what it comes down to
Hit or miss, it’s either me or you
All we get is one false move
My friend, we’re gonna have to choose
Sink or swim, it’s either win or lose
In the end, there’s one thing that is true
That at first glance, we’re still in the game
Oh, there’s a desperate chance that hope may still remain
Until we come to see the error of our ways
We’re just one false move away
All the costs of our endless needs
Idle thoughts, and wicked deeds
Left me lost with nothing to believe
But my foolish pride wouldn’t let me leave
If I tried, if I’d beg plead
And besides, there’s no honor among thieves
Repeat CHO
My friend, you gonna have to choose
Sink or swim, it’s either win or lose
In the end, there’s one thing that is true….
Repeat CHO
Dustin Welch: resonator guitar, vocals; Drew Smith: acoustic guitar, vocals; Kyle Ellison: electric guitar; Trisha Keefer: violin; Joe Beckham: electric bass; Joe Humel: drums
I started this song at a time in my life where everything was really coming to a head. I had a friend and bandmate going off to rehab, me and my girlfriend at the time were splitting up, and it was looking like we were going to war in Iraq. I took the first couple verses and the basic chorus over to Willie Braun, from Reckless Kelly, who was hanging out at my dad’s house in Nashville one day while they were in town, and we sat down in the living room and knocked it out. That is, except for one line in the chorus which I could not be satisfied with. The next time I was in Austin, we got together the day I was gonna leave, and beat our heads together over it till it was time for me to hit the road. The car I was driving in those days didn’t have a radio, so I spent most of the next twelve hours on the highway trying to get the line, until I was about 20 miles out of Nashville with the sun about to start coming up, when out of the blue I said to myself, “Until we come to see the error of our ways, We’re just one false move away.”